Spring 2007: Hot Mikado
May 4, 2007, 8 p.m.
May 5, 2007, 8 p.m.
May 6, 2007, 2 p.m.
May 11, 2007, 8 p.m.
May 12, 2007, 8 p.m.
May 13, 2007, 2 p.m.
May 18, 2007, 8 p.m.
May 19, 2007, 8 p.m.
All performances held at Salem United Church of Christ.
Space...the final frontier. These are the adventures of the Off-Monroe Players, whose continuing mission is to seek out Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, bring joy to their audiences, and boldly go where no G&S company has gone before.
Who would have thought that Star Trek could be an inspiration for a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta? When I first heard of Hot Mikado, I wasn't sure how I could justify being in a different time and place and still be in Japan. Then I remembered an episode of Star Trek called "A Piece of the Action". So many episodes of Star Trek visited familiar times and places, one of them being the gangster era, and so it began.
We've created a Gangster Fantasy for you. It represents the best of New Orleans, New York and Chicago of the 1940's in both songs and style. We are on another planet where the Japanese culture mixed with the 40's style of America. Our Gentlemen of Japan are a group of gangsters, mostly from New York. The Mikado is a Southern Gentleman and Katisha is Mae West meets Southern Belle. Ko-Ko resembles a misunterstood and nervous Woody Allen. Our action takes place in and out of Club Titipu where everything's happenin'. There has been a lot of fun singing, swinging and tapping our way through our beloved Sullivan melodies — just a little heated up. We hope you like our departure from the Gilbert and Sullivan norm. Sit back, relax and enjoy our Gangster Fantasy: Hot Mikado.
Kathy Perconti
Director: Kathy Perconti
Assistant Director: David Odgers
Music Director: Susanna Adams
Producers: Suzanne Bell, Amanda Lobaugh, Patti Anne Montrois
- The Mikado of Japan
- Patrick Adams
- Nanki-Poo
- Eli Gelo
- Ko-Ko
- Sandy Foster
- Pooh-Bah
- Geoffrey Hopkins
- Pish-Tush
- Charles Palella
- Yum-Yum
- Megan Rast
- Yum-Yum
- Pamela Torrey
- Pitti-Sing
- Rachel Pasternak
- Peep-Bo
- Pamela Torrey
- Peep-Bo
- Becca Kennedy
- Katisha
- Sarajane Fondiller
Linda Allen, Christina Arden, Tracy Burdick, Carla Cogliandro, Bill Hammond, Rebecca Hetherington, Forrest Kelley, Schuyler Kelley, Tamara Kelley, Becca Kennedy, Kathleen Landers-Appell, Patti Anne Montrois, David Odgers, Maureen Odgers, Bob Osgood, Gentaro Ramadhan, David Schafer, Laurel Schneiderman, Bob Weeks, Clara Weinert, Greg Wright
- Bass
- Paul Towsley
- Clarinet
- Stephen Lurie
- Flute
- Stephen Lurie
- Keyboard
- Bob Lavinski
- Percussion
- Eriks Zurovskis
- Saxophone
- Stephen Lurie
- Trombone
- John Currie
- Props
- Audrone Gecas, Amanda Lobaugh
- Set Designers
- Kelly Flegel, Patti Anne Montrois
- Set Construction
- Tracy Burdick
- Costume Managers
- Penny Fram, Audrone Gecas, Amanda Lobaugh
- Lighting Designer
- Mike Molongoski
- Program Design
- Ann Marie Buonemani