Spring 1984: The Mikado

With admiration and great fondness this production is dedicated to the woman who inspired the creation of Off-Monroe Players and continues to inspire us each time we gather to "tread the boards" — Esther Vail
Director: Brian Smith
Producer: Maureen Barry
Designer: Sarah Freeman
- The Mikado of Japan
- John Cieslinski
- Nanki-Poo
- Rob Edwardsen
- Ko-Ko
- Bill Hammond
- Pooh-Bah
- Michael Bellavia
- Pish-Tush
- Terry Benedict
- Yum-Yum
- Kathy Daycock
- Pitti-Sing
- Allyson Pilcher
- Peep-Bo
- Christy Jones
- Katisha
- Kimberly McConnell
Maureen Barry, George Corey, Christine Dettman, Alicia Doty, Julia Ferreira, Malcolm Judd, Margaret Ann Lawson, Patti Anne Montrois, Dan Ofsowitz, Jim Raforth, Julia Salter, Scott Smith, Scot Zaffora-Reeder
- Clavier Works
- Rob Edwardsen
- Keyboard
- Jack Spula
- Special Effects
- Leo Marthing
- Makeup
- Brian Smith
- Program Design
- Sarah Freeman