Fall 1995: The Yeomen of the Guard

Arthur Sullivan, a gifted composer, always wanted to create "the Great English Romantic Opera." Many — including myself — believe he did just that with Yeomen. Unique among the Savoy operas, the characters in Yeomen are grounded in reality. The philosophical Fairfax, brash Phoebe, jealous Wilfred, willing Elsie and, above all, cynical Jack Point, the Shakespearean Clown, are perhaps the most interesting characters in the whole Gilbert and Sullivan repertoire.
New to this production: Gilbert was concerned that Yeomen was all too serious for what was suppose to be a comic opera. Two songs were deleted from the first act when the production opened in 1888. Due to the diligent research of Off-Monroe's Internet guru — Bob Weeks — we have recovered the lyrics and music to both songs and have re-introduced them in this production. Wilfred the Jailer concludes the opening scene with Jealous Torments, a deliciously gruesome song exhibiting his bitter love for the winsome young Phoebe. And Sergeant Meryll proclaims in martial tones his fatherly pride in his hero son, Leonard (A Laughing Boy Just Yesterday). The song does not necessarily advance the plot, but it is a wonderful combination of paternal sentiment and military braggadocio.
Director: Peter Scribner
Music Director: Linda Davis
Choreography: Kathy Perconti, Peter Scribner
- Wilfred Shadbolt
- Brian Smith
- Dame Carruthers
- Pamela Good
- Lieutenant Cholmondely
- James A. Myers
- Colonel Fairfax
- Bill DeMetsenaere
- Sergeant Meryll
- Jimmie B Lobaugh
- Phoebe Meryll
- Lee Carter Browne
- Leonard Meryll
- Scot Zaffora-Reeder
- Jack Point
- Gregory Ludek
- Elsie Maynard
- Susanna Adams
- Kate
- Sarah Zaffora-Reeder
- Headsman
- Kevin DiVico
- First Yeoman
- John McCrank
- Second Yeoman
- Bob Weeks
Rich Ambush, Ted Benedict, Terry Benedict, Tracy Burdick, Dawn DesJardins, Christine Dettman, Peter Dunbar, Julia Ferreira, Susan Gordon, Micaela Guiterrez, Isabele Henry, Jordu Kelly-Sutliff, Amanda Lobaugh, Brian May, Patti Anne Montrois, Molly Moore, Jean Obernesser, Frank Reitze, Susan Richards-Veronda, Jean Gordon Ryon, David Schafer, Laurel Schneiderman, Jerry Scrivens, Diana Sheffer, Barbara van der Wall, Sarah Zaffora-Reeder, Scot Zaffora-Reeder
- Stage Manager
- Bodie McCaffrey
- Set Designers
- Tracy Burdick, Jimmie B Lobaugh, Peter Scribner
- Set Construction
- Jim Caffrey, David Schafer
- Costume Manager
- Maryanne Lettis
- Lighting Operator
- Peter Scribner