Skye Kelley
Current member of the OMP Revue Group.
OMP Board of Directors
- Member at Large
- 2022 – 2023, 2021 – 2022, 2020 – 2021, 2019 – 2020, 2018 – 2019
OMP Credits
- A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol (Fall 2024)
- Young Scrooge (A Future Greedy Banker)
- The Grand Duke (Spring 2024)
- Ludwig
- Al Laddin (Summer 2024)
- Sergeant of Police
- Al Laddin (Winter 2024)
- Sergeant of Police
- The Zoo (Winter 2023)
- Thomas Brown (the Duke of Islington)
- Ruddigore (Fall 2019)
- Producer
- Lighting
- The Gondoliers (Spring 2019)
- Producer
- Don Alhambra del Bolero
- Iolanthe (Fall 2018)
- Producer
- Thespis (Spring 2018)
- Producer
- Foggerty's Fairy (Winter 2018)
- Dr. Lobb
- The Mikado (Fall 2017)
- Producer
- Pooh-Bah (Lord High Everything Else)
- Patience (Spring 2017)
- Chorus
- Trial by Jury (Winter 2017)
- Chorus
- The Pirates of Penzance (Fall 2016)
- Producer
- Major-General Stanley
- A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol (Fall 2015)
- Bob Cratchit (Scrooge's Clerk)
- The Yeomen of the Guard (Spring 2015)
- Wilfred Shadbolt
- A Victorian Valentine (Winter 2015)
- Groom
- The Sorcerer (Fall 2014)
- Producer
- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Winter 2014)
- Rosencrantz
- Eyes and No Eyes (Winter 2014)
- Pierrot
- The Pirates of Penzance (Fall 2013)
- Production Crew
- Chorus
- Utopia, Limited (Spring 2013)
- Set Construction
- Lighting
- Captain Sir Edward Corcoran, K.C.B.
- Happy Arcadia (Winter 2013)
- Strephon
- The Gondoliers (Fall 2012)
- Producer
- Set Construction
- Giorgio
- Princess Ida (Spring 2012)
- Chorus
- Foggerty's Fairy (Winter 2012)
- Theodore Walkinshaw
- The Mikado (Fall 2011)
- Chorus
- Iolanthe (Spring 2011)
- Chorus
- The Grand Duke (Fall 2010)
- Chorus
- Patience (Spring 2010)
- Chorus
- The Zoo (Fall 2009)
- Chorus
- Trial by Judy (Fall 2009)
- Groomsmen
- The Yeomen of the Guard (Spring 2009)
- Chorus
- H.M.S. Pinafore (Fall 2008)
- Chorus
- The Great Choruses of Gilbert & Sullivan (Spring 2008)
- Chorus
- A Gilbert & Sullivan Christmas Carol (Winter 2008)
- Fred Hanscom (Scrooge's Impoverished Nephew)
- The Sorcerer (Fall 2007)
- Chorus
- Hot Mikado (Spring 2007)
- Chorus