
Who should I audition for in Grand Duke??

Published: December 9, 2023 Who should I audition for in Grand Duke??

Grand Duke can be a bit tricky cause there are soooo many characters! After some serious thought - The roles have been trimmed a bit and the script has been edited

So here's the final list of characters and their vocal range


Julia Jellicoe (an English Actress) - Soprano - a VERY strong woman who knows what she wants and THAT's the LEADING role in all theatrical productions (or in real life if necessary) It's all business to her. Character has to have a German accent - it's written in the script that way.

Grand Duke Rudolph of Pfennig Halbpfennig - Baritone - A miserly ruler who is not particularly liked by his subjects and doesn't really care either way. He has plans to marry a rich woman because he likes money.

Ernest Dummkopf (a Theatrical Manager) - Tenor - a man in love w/his leading actress (Julia) He is planning to take over as ruler once the conspiracy to dethrone Rudolph is achieved. He is a nice guy although a bit slow to catch on.

Ludwig - Baritone - (Leading Comedian) A well-liked man of opportunity who is set to marry Lisa -however due to unforeseen circumstances - he quickly finds himself getting into trouble way over his head....He is confident and full of ideas and that's how he gets into trouble.

Dr. Tannhauser (a Notary) - Baritone/Tenor - A lawyer who just can't keep his mouth shut and offers up free advice that ends up getting quite a few folks into trouble.

The Prince of Monte Carlo - Baritone - A Nobleman with class and charm who is determined to see his daughter married to the Grand Duke. Wants nothing more than to see his little princess happy.

Lisa- Soprano - an actress in the theatre company who is set to marry the leading actor of the company (Ludwig) - she is in love w/Ludwig and supports him in all he does whether he's right or wrong.

Baroness Caroline von Krakenfeldt - Mezzo Soprano/Alto - A rich lady with cheap tastes who is set to marry the Grand Duke (whomever he may end up being) for economical purposes of course.

Jacintha (the Princess of Monte Carlo) - speaking role - she is daddy's little girl and wants to get married NOW.

Supporting speaking and vocal parts for 2-4 women: Olga, Gretchen, Bertha, and Elsa

Hope to see you at auditions - any questions feel free to ask!


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